Webshop Marte Meo International

SUBSCRIPTION - Marte Meo Professional Presentation Clips (English) € 200,00

For certified Marte Meo professionals - level team trainer and supervisor. With this subscription, only certified and registered Marte Meo professionals have the opportunity to use this Marte Meo Learning Set as the basis for Marte Meo presentations and Marte Meo training courses.

Part 1: All Marte Meo base clips "BLANCO" without further comments for your own use.

Part 2: Maria Aarts presents the clips as a MODEL for Marte Meo presentations and training.

For an annual fee of € 200, you are entitled to digitally use the MARTE MEO BASIS LEARNING SET.

Login: "MARTE MEO LEARNING SET certified and registered Marte Meo experts"

12 months € 200