Welcome to Marte Meo
Maria Aarts

Director Marte Meo International

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This is Marte Meo

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Vlogs & Podcasts

People have the opportunity to follow Maria on her travels to various parts of the world spreading Marte Meo and following the Marte Meo Projects. In this way people can profit from and get inspiration from the worldwide projects, as well as be able to keep in touch with developments.

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Save the date: 06-09-2024

Marte Meo Fachtag mit Maria Aarts

Info: sehe Flyer

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Here you can see and get information on the Projects, Conferences, Seminars, Master Classes and other activities that Maria is scheduled for.

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WinWinno 2023, "Resource Orientation" category

Hamburg, Germany

The Association Mediation DACH e.V. has decided to award the WinWinno 2023 in the category "Resource Orientation" to Maria Aarts. The "WinWinno" is an international win-win innovation prize, which is awarded annually by the Mediation DACH e.V. Association, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, to personalities who have rendered outstanding services in the context of good communication and constructive conflict resolution.

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Marte Meo in Spain


Marte Meo in Spain: Andrea Grigoria celebrates that she finished her first practitioner course!

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Marte Meo Conference Day

Hässleholm, Sweden

18 May 2022, we have the honour to welcome Maria Aarts, Marte Meo's founder, to Hässleholm in Sweden. Maria has the ability to teach us to see the important in relationships and interactions, and makes the complicated concrete, simple and useful. With the help of film, Maria connects theory with reality and helps us build on the good interactions.

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Early Childhood Ireland


An interview with Maria Aarts and Early Childhood Ireland

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The Golden Gift of Learning

New Zealand

An interview with Maria Aarts and Storypark

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Marte Meo in Sweden

Örnsköldsvik, Sweden

“My tree”, the tree is part of my vision with Marte Meo's work within in the organization, the administration Örnsköldsvik municipality.

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Marte Meo Project: Time to love - Time to live


Herning Kommune has received 5 million Danish kroner to run a big Marte Meo  project in the work with people with dementia.

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Marte Meo in Norway


In Klepp Municipality in Norway, a political decision has been made that all early childhood daycares will work according the Marte Meo Method.

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Marte Meo in Greece


Marte Meo in Greece

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Three things I especially love about Marte Meo


Murray Bridge Preschool Kindergarten

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Partnership for Every Child

St Petersburg, Russia

Partnership for Every Child’s vision is a world where every child lives in a safe and loving family which is supported to meet the child’s needs and develop the child’s abilities and potential.

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Developmental interactions for toddlers and babies


Colette is the Licensed Marte Meo Supervisor in Ireland since 1995 and a specialist in the training and application of the Marte Meo supportive interaction method. Colette is passionate about supporting people to recognise and build on their supportive interaction skills that gift children and adults in everyday moments of Interaction which supports their development and wellbeing.

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Corona Homeschooling

I would like to share some pictures of Corona Homeschooling in the family of Joscha. Handy when the Children developed cooperationskills!

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Children playing to their own strengths


Marte Meo founder Maria Aarts talks about her simple method of supporting emotional and social development

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It’s so simple


Say what you see and affirm your child

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Marte Meo method

These are collections of video clips that show everyday moments of interaction in everyday life. They demonstrate how Marte Meo Information is used to give a broad range of individuals a “golden gift” that they will benefit from for their entire lives. There are two different levels of learning sets. One is for professional use and the other for families.

  • Professional Learning Sets
  • Family Learning Sets – Circle of Love – From birth to old age

These learning sets give information to family members about everyday interaction and how to make the most out of daily life moments to stay connected, improve connection and relationships. There are 10 Golden Gift steps in the family learning sets which can be used by every member in the Circle of Love to contribute to improving better quality of life.

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Marte Meo Learning Sets

‘Marte Meo Learning Sets’. These are collections of video clips that show everyday moments of interaction in everyday life. They demonstrate how Marte Meo Developmental Support Information is used to give a broad range of individuals a ‘golden gift’ that they will benefit from for their entire lives.

There are two different levels of learning sets. One is for professional use and the other for families.

Certified Marte Meo Professionals

The registrations and certifications of the individual Marte Meo training courses are the sole responsibility of the International Marte Meo Center - Eindhoven / NL and can be requested here by authorized Marte Meo instructors.

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Marte Meo Publications

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Marte Meo method

Research, Studies and Articles on the Marte Meo method

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